A Life in a Day is an immersive patient experience in which you become the patient and
experience the challenges, choices, and impact that real patients face every day. The
team at A Life in a Day combines unique expertise, targeted research, patient
engagement, immersive learning, and industry knowledge with an innovative
This study saw A Life in a Day collaborate with a global pharmaceutical company’s Research and Development team to develop a unique immersive experience where participants walked in the shoes of a person taking part in a clinical trial.
The 72-hour simulation allowed over 600 employees to experience life as a clinical trial
participant with severe asthma. Through digital challenges, roleplay, and physical kits,
participants gained firsthand insight into the emotional, physical, and logistical
challenges patients face.
The initiative significantly improved empathy, leading to tangible improvements in trial design, such as richer patient data and reduced burden on patients.
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Love the idea of capturing the impact of the trial design changes on patients as a follow-on activity! As also suggested in the case study, it would be fantastic if the sponsoring company translated successful trial design changes across to other indications.
I'm very curious to know what specific changes were made to clinical trial outcome assessments to reduce the burden on participants, and whether the ROI was quantified from that. Would be an amazing, next-level demonstration of 'voice to value', although I appreciate one would need the project sponsors to source and provide that information! I wonder how we could convince them...
"36% increase in the understanding of the impact of clinical trials on patients"
For that alone --- bravo.
I have to confess, I'm biased making this review because I commissioned an R&D immersive experience in my last pharma role with the Clin Ops teams ... and participated myself. The experience was absolutely mind- and practice-changing for every participant. I'm somewhat wary of the tokenistic phrase of 'walking in a patient's shoes' incase its trite; but this experience made me (and the Clin Ops Teams) emotionally engage with the patient experience at the deepest level. I was detemined to ask the ELT to participate ... hopefully that happened.
Am not surprised to see Life in a Day's work being showcased here (I myself participated as part of a Medical Affairs team working on the launch of a new severe asthma treatment). Congratulations on helping this particular company's R&D to learn from patients participating in clinical trials! The point about extending to other functions is very important, especially in big pharma where senior leaders representing R&D, Medical and Commercial are often the ones making the big decisions and a shared understanding is necessary to affect real change and pull through that patient-first mentality.